Sunday, October 29, 2017

Viral trivia sensation HQ looks like the future of both mobile gaming and live TV

@HQ is a new live mobile trivia game for iOS from the creators of the late short-form video app Vine. Rus Yusupov and fellow co-founder Colin Kroll combined the classic game show elements of Who Wants to be a Millionaire? and Jeopardy! with the breakneck speed and scale of mobile gaming and live streaming technology. Each day, at 3PM and 9PM ET, the app comes to life for around 13 minutes. A well-dressed host — either New York-based comedian Scott Rogowsky or British on-air personality Sharon Carpenter — then rattles off 12 multiple choice questions live on camera, while a blisteringly busy live text chat flows at the bottom of the screen. - Nick Statt, The Verge [via/web:]

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