Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Comcast, Charter, TWC All Admit That Strong Net Neutrality Rules Won't Actually Be The End Of...

Every single one of the big ISPs has been spending the better part of a year telling both the government and the public that using Title II to regulate net neutrality would be so counterproductive, ineffective, and unlawful that it would ruin the whole internet for everyone forever. Their main threat has been that with tighter regulation, they will stop spending money investing in networks. But to their investors, company executives are telling a different tale entirely: Comcast, Charter Communications and Time Warner Cable have now joined Verizon FiOS in admitting that from an investment standpoint, Title II won’t really harm them or change much of anything at all. - Kate Cox,Consumerist.com [via/web:http://streaming-tv.us]

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