Thursday, November 20, 2014

Two Comcast customers nearly go insane fighting thousands in bogus fees

The first story comes to us via and it involves a Comcast customer in Tennessee who moved to a new address that was just an hour away from his old place and who was told by Comcast that it would be able to deliver service to the new address. When it turned out that Comcast wasn’t actually able to service the new address, however, the company hit the man with $2,789 in fees for supposedly breaking his service agreement despite the fact that he didn’t actually cancel his service. [...] The good news is that once the man got his local news station involved, Comcast agreed to waive the fees because there were extenuating circumstances, a.k.a., its representatives told the customer that they could deliver him service when in reality they couldn’t. The second story is actually one that we first heard about earlier this year. Comcast customer Dann Furia was hit with $360 in fees for unreturned equipment despite the fact that he had actually returned the equipment and had a receipt to prove it. Despite making multiple calls to the company and being told numerous times the bogus charges were being dropped from his account, they remained there until his story finally went viral on reddit, which was enough to get Comcast’s attention and actually fix his problem. - Brad Reed,BGR [via/web:]

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