Friday, November 21, 2014

Streaming Drives Sales, According to New Study

The study, which focused on consumers who remembered hearing a new track in the previous seven days, asked where they heard the music, if it was by an artist they were already familiar with, and how they responded to the most recent new song they heard. Some 69 percent took some action, whether that meant searching for further information, playing it for a friend or making a purchase. Invariably, users who discovered the song online were more likely to respond. Half who listened on a streaming app did further research -- such as hitting Shazam to identify the artist, or Googling the lyrics. That figure is triple the 17 percent of radio listeners who conducted follow-up research. [...] While researchers were somewhat surprised that streaming consumers were heavier music buyers, they were also shocked to discover how little people are sharing their discoveries via social media. Just 5 percent of radio users mentioned a new song on Facebook. That number jumped to 13 percent for streaming apps and 23 percent for YouTube constituents. - Tom Roland ,Billboard [via/web:]

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